in spite of how much i hate chem
and maths
actually it does lol
my future
ZOMG can
so annoyed with all this
i can take chem tutorials
time seems to stop during that 1 hr
and its like i have to face kuku neh neh
wah lao eh...
i also never do her work T___T sianz
well at least i can say
i got some drive now
and started somewhat revising
need a miracle like so totally
spoke at : 11:43 PM
Fr o u F r o u - L e t G o
Drink up any doubt.
Mmm, are you in or are you out?
Leave your things behind,
'Cuz it's all going off without you.
'Scuze me, too busy,
You're writing your tragedy.
These mishaps, your bubble wrap, when,
You've no idea what you're like...
(So let go)
So let go
Mmm, jump in
Oh well whatcha waiting for?
It's alright,
'Cuz there's beauty
In the breakdown.
(So let go)
Yeah, let go
Just get in
Oh it's so amazing here.
It's alright,
'Cuz there's beauty
In the breakdown.
It gains the more it gives,
And then it rises with the fall.
So hand me that remote.
Can't you see that all that stuff's a sideshow?
Such boundless, pleasure,
We've no time for later now, you,
Can't await, your own arrival you've,
Twenty seconds to comply.
(So let go)
So let go
Jump in
Oh well whatcha waiting for?
It's alright,
'Cuz there's beauty
In the breakdown.
(So let go)
Yeah let go
Just get in
Oh, it's so amazing here.
It's alright,
'Cuz there's beauty
In the breakdown.
So let go
Mmm, jump in
Oh well whatcha waiting for?
It's alright,
'Cuz there's beauty
In the breakdown.
(So let go)
Yeah let go
Just get in
Oh it's so amazing here.
It's alright,
'Cuz there's beauty
In the breakdown.
In the breakdown....
'Cuz there's beauty in the breakdown.
The breakdown....
So amazing here....
'Cuz there's beauty in the breakdown...
spoke at : 11:12 PM
just watched dreamcatcher on chn 5
pretty intriguing show haha (:
but den i realised it has got
absolutely no connection at all
to the mysterious Indian dreamcatcher
but oh well its still nice either way

maybe i shld get one too huh?
catch all those bad stuff that's on course
towards messing up my life
its just more irritating tys...
its just nonsense can some of the questions
anw hope u reading this would go study soon
or you'll be in the same plight as me
poor me
spoke at : 1:40 AM
oh no
july 24th
my heart felt a sudden
and arresting pain
heart attack? lol cant be
dunno but its just
oh well probably a sign
that my lifestyle has taken its toll
on my body
the song's back in my head
if tomorrow never comes...
spoke at : 11:56 PM
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
In Detail
Friends are the family you have chosen for yourself, which means that you can also un-choose them. If you are having troubles with one of your friendships right now, be honest with yourself about the relationship. Are they making your life more enjoyable or more complicated?
Do they encourage you to be the best you can be or make you doubt your actions?
Do they celebrate your successes or try to one-up you all the time?
Answer these questions, and you'll know what to do.
somehow i find this scarily true lol
spoke at : 9:26 PM
jealousy + envy
oh am i seeing green
those 2 little feelings have set my
thoughts running just absolutely wild
beyond my control and i'm stuck in my own trap
i find it rather amusing and yet pity myself
well who knows maybe it just end
friends are the family i have choosen
which is very true
but yet this family of mine has hurt me
more den it has gave me warmth
so maybe i shld just leave some of them behind
out of my life
and delude myself in loneliness
yeah i shld do that
i know i've changed since j1
but who cares
no one
too many things going on rite know
for me to have time to even sort out myself
so i shld just leave everything behind
and become an emotionless
a heartless
a lifeless
spoke at : 4:20 PM
okay i've finally changed my blog template
and oh nope i didnt design this haha
i really like this template cos its
just plain and classic
and childish (:
like just so
totally jaded and lifeless
these couple of days has been really
unbearable lousy moody and totally just no direction
i am out of focus out of my place and i dont like it one bit at all
just did a gp essay entitled in spite of more information
man is none the wiser at that point of time it was
so difficult for me to pen down my points
clearly cause it was so obvious that
man is not wise and is foolish
but why? why are we so
cause its just human
nature to be
simply so
spoke at : 1:27 AM
the fire within me has been extinguished
the passion within me has be nullified
the love within me has be removed
the life within me has be drained
after all i'm the only one fooling myself and others
everything has came to a silent mourning
a mourning which no one knows of
a funeral which no one cares
a goodbye without words
to cry without tears
to yearn to see you
it hurts to see you
its just different
everything is
spoke at : 1:30 PM
rapture was absolutely
spoke at : 1:17 AM
If tomorrow never comes...
Ronan Keating - If Tomorrow Never Comes
Sometimes late at night
I lie awake and watch her sleeping
She's lost in peaceful dreams
So I turn out the lights and lay there in the dark
And a thought crosses my mind
If I never wake in the morning
Would she ever doubt the way I feel
About her in my heart
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
She must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
Cause I've lost loved ones in my life
Who never knew how much I loved them
Now I live with the regret
That my true feelings for them never were revealed
So I made a promise to myself
To say each day how much she means to me
And avoid that circumstance
Where there's no second chance to tell her how I feel
If tomorrow never comes
Will she know how much I loved her
Did I try in every way to show her every day
That she's my only one
And if my time on earth were through
She must face this world without me
Is the love I gave her in the past
Gonna be enough to last
If tomorrow never comes
So tell that someone that you love
Just what you're thinking of
If tomorrow never comes
i've always loved this song, its just so beautiful and yet sad
haha, sometimes i wonder as i listen to this song
wad if tomorrow really isnt fated to come
at the back of my mind
deep in my heart
i've got so much
so say to
spoke at : 11:37 PM
i often find it very interesting
how one fears loneliness
yearns for someone to love
and to be loved
but yet
its just better
being all alone
quiet in a corner to be left
alone again
maybe its just me
i just cant find a peace with myself
and with the world around me
while all the dreams and illusions
fade away and come clear
the truth piercing through the dreamy haze
the reality colliding face on faster than anything else
its just so sudden
its just so saddening
i think that she knows
but den again she was the one
that was confusing me
i shld have seriously known better
but it seems like its all over
there is no point
after all the drama mama in council
after all the sweat tears blood and hardwork
its finally over
the curtains are drawn
the lights have dimmed
the music fades
the badges taken off
the blazers hang lonely in a corner
the photographs of them
everything that i cherished
and yet gave me so much trouble
is now over
its bittersweet
cant really put myself to accept it
but its the fact
even though i can admit
i didnt really study much during the break
but at least i tried
and i've done those idiotic tys
i DID my work
but den it just seems so strange
it almost seems unfair
even though i knew i wasnt gonna do well
when i looked at my papers
when i looked at my work and my grades
it makes me really wonder
how come
its isnt right
i've done my work
i've put in effort
but yet nothings yield
instead i got worse
its just so frustrating
i really dunno where is the problem now
i can do it the questions
i can do the tutorials
i can
i could
and now i cant
fuck it man
spoke at : 2:57 PM
i'm sick of my ruined and dead blog
shall leave it as a black noob template for the time being
while i go think of some new design to make it into
hopefully it'll be good (:
for now its just this plain black skin
spoke at : 2:53 PM