Wednesday, January 31, 2007
just hours before
i read something i should never have
i pity myself
trying so hard to believe
to not be affected
but yet still
i'm my greatest enemy
everything i do in my interest
always back fires at myself
silly me
i should stop
gorge out my heart
and forget everything
fuck and screw it all seriously
damn it
spoke at : 10:17 PM
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
lets waste time
chasing cars
around our head
i need your grace...
days have been long
making my heart ache
cant really explain what is going on
stupid things just pisses me off
starting to become a loner in class
and finding both escape and troubles in council
what a crappy situation
starting to like to be alone
but yet again i hate it
i fear loneliness
there is this invisible barrier
this barrier that is stopping me
i think i'm turning into a paranoid depressed child
i foresee i will regret in the future
that i've messed up now
i shld be slapped
really hard
someone give me a reality check
shall live dangerously
live crazy
live hiong
live it all out
and die young
as i always have
but now more.
spoke at : 9:20 PM
music fills my soul
the bass keeps me ticking
the vibes make me alive
those lyrics ring through my mind
the beat seduces me to move
i so need to club
spoke at : 9:17 PM
Saturday, January 20, 2007
alrite peeps
art club is back in business again!
to think i was the only member left last year
to what now is a 20 strong club with fresh blood from juniors (:
first session!
we did our own ART CLUB tshirt!
hand printed silk screen shirts
love it man
made a black one this time, but cant really see the print
shall make a white one next week :D

spoke at : 10:26 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
cant think straight no more
someone please slap me
tell me the truth
tell me whats really going on
think i'm just killing myself
with my wandering mind
before anything even happens
spoke at : 9:45 PM
now i truly understand why the 28th council last year
they all sat together on 2 tables during grad nite
at that time
i was wondering
why didnt they want to sit with their other friends?
why still council all the way?
now i understand.
its a very depressing thought and a sad truth.
though it can also be viewed in a good way.
but its just life.
jc passes way too fast
too fast for people like us to grab hold onto
onto enough time that we need
needed to foster friendships
friendships that i cherish
its no longer me being paranoid
paranoia and realization are just too close
i look on in pain
with every word like daggers through my soul
with every word that patches me up
with every subtle thing you do it shatters me
with every sense of coldness i'm broken
some say the deadliest things are those of the unspoken
though you never said anything
i already know its a situation i cant salvage
i cant save my health
i cant save a friendship
i'm lost
bent and broken
dead in the heart.
spoke at : 9:25 PM
might as well...
spoke at : 11:19 AM
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
cant get this song out of my head
super addictive and nice to sing too... haha
its also the death note 2 movie ending theme lol!
just what i need, a good nice song to make drown over my worries and woes...
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Snow (Hey Oh)
Come to decide that the things that I tried
Were in my life just to get high on
When I sit alone come get a little known
But I need more than myself this time
Step from the road to the sea to the sky
And I do believe what we rely on
When I lay it on
Come get to play it on
All my life to sacrifice
Hey oh listen what I say oh
I got your
Hey oh (now) listen what I say oh
When will I know that i really can't go
To the well one more time to decide on
When it's killing me
When will I really see
All that I need to look inside
Come to believe that I better not leave
Before I get my chance to ride
When it's killing me
What do I really need
All that I need to look inside
Hey oh listen what I say oh
Come back and
Hey oh look at what I say oh
The more I see the less I know
The more I like to let it go... hey oh whoa
Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go
In between the cover of another perfect wonder
And it's so white as snow
Running through a field where all my tracks will
Be concealed and there is nowhere to go
When to descend to amend for friend
All the channels that have broken down
Now you bring it up
I'm gonna ring it up
Just to hear you sing it out
Step from the road to the sea to the sky
And I do believe what we rely on
When I lay it on
Come get to play it on
All my life to sacrifice
Hey oh listen what I say oh
I got your
Hey oh listen what I say oh
The more I see the less I know
The more I like to let it go... hey oh whoa
Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go
In between the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Running through the field where all my tracks will
Be concealed and there is nowhere to go
I said hey yeah
Oh yeah
Tell my love now
Hey yeah
Oh yeah
Tell my love now
Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Privately divided by a world so undecided
And there's nowhere to go
Deep beneath the cover of another perfect wonder
Where it's so white as snow
Running through the field where all my tracks will
Be concealed and there's nowhere to go
I said hey oh yeah
Oh yeah
Tell my love now
Hey yeah
Oh yeah
spoke at : 9:44 PM
happy new year.
what would 2007 be?
well hopefully a crazy, hiong, and wonderful year ahead for all of us.
resolutions for 2007? nah...
goals for 2007? i've got a few...
- catch up on lost time on my studies
- shape up!
- new hair style?
- get gold for napfa LOL freaking NS needs this... zzz
- hopefully make mugging something more frequent lol
- ultimately do like damn well for a levels haha
- more friends! (:
spoke at : 12:09 AM