Tuesday, September 26, 2006
when i read the last compre passage...
according to the bible, genesis... God made man out of clay... and named this man Adam....
i totally laughed like insane in my heart... i was like wad the heck sia... really man SA... surprises me everydae, cant never beat that...
anw wtf la... the chinese paper was freaking hard...
after i completed the MCQ compre rite... i realised all my options are (B)... which is like wad the?! i knew at dat time i was so screwed...
and they asked like free response open ended questions la... which is like wad GP's AQ! LOL imagine dat, GP in CHINESE!~ LOL Happy New Year lalalalalala!
yup as usual, cough cough... the mugger gang stayed back till late todae to mug chem and bio haha... nurul was gettin all irritated by chem and i was like reading the same few lines on chemical bonding again hahaha... and jowy was tryin to restyle his fringe... ohh wait... hmmm now that isnt studying huh? heh! lol tiffany has totally gone insane... possessed! by CAMPBELL! LOOL hahahahaha... dhanabal still acting hot and all heh! damn funny la...
ended up playing basketball again! WEEE! fun fun... but very tiring haha... but yup, keeps me goin, so oh well! And not forgetting LIME JUICE! its my BRAIN ELIXIR! HAHA :D
hohohohoho! :D heh!
yup tmr yet another crazy day... goin early to sch to play soccer wif the council guys! haha
and guess i shld keep up this "active" lifestyle... i've lost 2kg so far! amazing... haha lol xP
yup all the best for the rest of PROMOS! its gonna be over soon pple! HANG IN THERE! :P CAN MAKE IT ONE! heh!
jiayoussssss...!!!! :D
spoke at : 9:58 PM
Monday, September 25, 2006
chinese? hmmm wad chinese? :P
alrite man... holidae mood suddenly...
all geared up to chiong for bio and chem!!!
alamak... freaking sianz...
after GP on my way back from sch... i went to buy ben n jerry's from downtown east... bought 3 tubs... den come home... T___T FRIDGE SPOILED!!!! WTF!!!
Venue: ECP!
Time: wakaranai?!
Attire: Casual!
Stuff to Bring: Lightsticks? i bringin a whole box of sparklers!
Fees: $5!
Mooncakes: SNOW SKIN & normal! Some from GRAND HYATT! woootz! YUMMY
spoke at : 4:47 PM
Sunday, September 24, 2006
its dat feeling of panic again...
i hate it...
have been anxiously trying to mug bio for the past few days...
wonder what has really gone in...
everyone's telling me not to panic, even myself, but i just cant...
did a pretty stupid and self-stressing thing just now...
calculated how much i must get at least to get promoted after overall % with the common test grades etc, assuming my homework marks are zero... haha which most probably are anw... havent done a single decent tutorial yet... haha...
and it seems i need a few As and Bs to pull up my overall... frightening...
one shouldnt keep dwelling in acts of complaining...
BTW, cant wait for the mooncake party after promos...
and the other fun stuff we've gonna planning!!!
LOL nurul, tiffany n i have been studying bio for the last 3 days? and it seems we're the most restless, bored, and least sane pple who are around sch studying...
i swear to you, i study until i'm just seeing words as some black shapes...
and i keep reading the same lines over and over again, but cant seem to comprehend what they actually mean... hmmm...
oh well...
for all you fellow last minute chiongers/muggers... God bless you all... haha hope we all get promoted!!!
worked since primary sch, shldnt fail now haha lol >_<
spoke at : 12:07 AM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
only 8 more days to PROMO!!!!
8 days!
Geeee Peeeeee....
yup its coming back... the severe acute dunno-panic attack! haha
so screwed...
spoke at : 10:03 PM
spoke at : 8:04 PM
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
okies lol i'm sick again... guess my 48 hours without sleep was just too much for my body... haha missed school todae, and also missed the learning journey trip to URA, of which i have no idea wad the hell is abt haha, but nevertheless boring. haha
felt like crap in the morning, woke up couldnt even talk throat all swollen and sore. >_< and i kept coughing! arghhh... cough until i think i ruptured one small vein or something... got blood!! OMG can i was like coughing den WAD THE? NANI?! haha x_X
anw i'm newly addicted to this song... Jack Johnson - Better Together! haha :D
and also i've got the new FIR album! WOAH! DAMN NICE I TELL U! heh!
hmmmm desperately trying to settle down and do some serious mugging but have failed ever since primary school! haha lol anw now my current goal is to totally illustrate out all my bio notes! haha sounds crazy but oh well! bankaiii!! hahaha lol
yup pretty much what has kept me going these couple of weeks is music, my friends (: and their smiles, bleach, drawing, seeing my hard work pay off in council haha... yeah
and last but not least.... THE MOTIVATION! POST PROMO CLUBBIN! heh! (:
miss ye says honey lemon water is more effective than loze hmmm... well i suppose so? but wad if a eat honey lemon loze? hahaha lol :P
many pple are aiming to get promoted and not to get good grades... well i dun really know wad is going alr... how i'm handling my life which is really upside down and messy haha... i juz hope i dun get retained and get booted out of council and all i'll juz crumble haha... it is only now then i truely understand wad it means by WORK HARD and PLAY HARD! lol i've played hard all my life... its time i payed my debt for not working hard lol...
till den, jiayousssss pple for ur promos! ALL THE BEST and God Bless! (:
spoke at : 10:03 PM
Saturday, September 09, 2006
this is damn sian... despite countless efforts to try n make everyone happy and settle things...
there will always be pple complainin and being not happy abt certain things... seems like all of my efforts have some what gone in vain just because of these handful of unhappy people... it juz ruins the feelin of making even a thousand pple happy... dunno wad the hell i'm talking also actually but yeah... sucks... freaking screwed
oh well if so it seems and its gonna be so... we juz have to accept it and live wif it... its life anw...
dunno... left like 15 days to the freakin promos and i haven started on anything yet... this is utterly insane... i still cant do the simpliest maths questions... bio essays seem terribly scary to me... chemistry is like some alien language wif weird benzene symbols... lol h1 geog? lol screwed since the start...
dunno sia... freaking dunno and panic attack... everything also i dunno everything see also panic... LOL damn funny... >_<
spoke at : 11:56 PM
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
in loving memory of him...

Steve Irwin
spoke at : 3:26 PM
some of you peeps might not know but famous Steve Irwin has passed away in an accident when he was stabbed with the venomous tail of a reef stingray during one of his documentary filmings.
at his age and with his achievements in this field its truely a pity and this heroic crocodile hunter will always stay in the fond memories of many... not sure abt you, but i know he has a young daughter and wife behind him... this juz shows how fragile life, something we often take for granted, can truely be... God bless you Steve Irwin and your family...
i extend my deepest condolences and also, salute you with respect for your work and spirit in nature conservation and love for wild life...
spoke at : 12:09 PM