a picture speaks a thousand words, all i can say is i love this council! ((:haha such a nostalgic and crazy feeling, to think dat this picture was actually taken at 5plus am in the morning at the MRT station near sentosa, after we had walked all the way from school to sentosa! LOL and as u can see kenneth the ever pic chionger! hahah always come in and spoiler one haha
anw todae was the 2nd day of commendation prac and omg as usual it started at 8.30am... zzzz damn sianz so early in the morning lar and todae in the mornin it was raining bananas and oranges! LOL and so i didnt wanted to get my uniform and formal wear all wet so i went in bums and saints tee... tot it was a good move... yes it kept my clothes dry, but freaking had a unbearable journey in the bus and mrt when i was FREEZING COLD LAR! wth... x_X bah
alrite finally reached sch and passed ji hyun the vid cam cable and rushed off to change into full uni again! lol
omg todae's commendation prac was both long and funny and real nice... dunno lar though it was hard and tiring, we all had fun and crap loads of nonsense along the way hahaha me and wei hao were making funny faces at each other and doin stupid faces lar... den after dat i was disturbin JORDON haha and den during the song singing part wah lao lol colleen and sharleen kept laughin cos someone couldnt sing LOL >.<
and alas after the commedation prac was over, our himbo club wif angelyn and mega went to watch SCARY MOVIE 4 LOOL DAMN STEADY SIA! HAHAHA freaking spastic and funny man... we watched it the grand cathay near PS! w00tz damn fun! hahaha
yet another crazy day in council life... man, my common test is so screwed LOL happy new year GG
spoke at : 11:16 PM
service learning at sundacintially after hearing stories and all from the rest of my classmates, i was quite cynical abt my experience at sundac... and dat i wouldnt be in the mood to be giving, caring and all especially when i'm potentially gonna be traumatised... so yeah, was kinda fuzzy and disturbed before i went to sundac...had a horrible wan to sleep but cannot sleep torture on the MRT from pasir ris allllllll the way to choa chu kang... -___- sianz and i tell u the ride was really damn long... after wad felt to me like a 10mins sleep, i awake and realised i only moved 1 or 2 stations... zzzz X_xfinally after the insom-nic ordeal, i've at choa chu kang station... phew... my vision was hazzy and blurred but i some how managed to get down of the train and make my way down to the control station... zombie-like i walked out and saw nurul sitting by the top up machines and from afar smiling at me... lol hahaalrite so more and more pple, ji hyun, mei fung, zen, simeon, and tiffy was on her way to meet us by taxi LOL tsk tsk... so famished i decided to grab a bite at macs (:and as soon as tiffy came, it started pouring again... sianz... oh well so we decided to take bus to sundac... and we took one dat would go in one biggggg loop haha cozy journey (: with loads of interogation! LOL *cough cough*when we finally got to sundac... and discussed wad we were supposed to do and all i somehow felt better? dunno why also haha maybe its more reassuring... hahaso when i finally stepped in, omg i was really at a loss of words... and didnt know wad to do at all... but anw the first activity was bowling and YEAH i proved it, conventional bowling skills cannot be applied on to this kind of plastic ball bowling... lol totally ineffective cos the ball will bounce lol...anw first guy i interacted wif was gary, lol nope not u gary from council hahaha =P anw he was wheelchair bound but still a very pleasant and funny guy (: haha first person dat seem to like me! haha so we played bowling on the table wif the low functionals and it was very heart warming to see them so happy playing the games, but yet at the same time a pinch of sour so realised how they are like and how blessed oneself is... haha and there was another guy in red, dont know his name but he keeps callin pple babushit... LOL oh well according to the pple there, dats his form of a bad word? haha funny fellow... really friendly too hahaso he keep wanting to play the table bowling again and again haha and he was like puttin up his finger and sayin in a cute way "one more? (:" haha lol so he had his fun and decided to walk back to his table later haha next up was pass the parcel, and everyone was made to sit in a circle and pass the box while the music was played... hahah it was so much fun and so nice to see all of them so happy and involved... haha den dat guy, i shall call him babu, kenna after the music stopped! haha and he went WOOOH! and raised his hands! LOL hahaha enthu and fun loving guy... hehee den he started to do his dance! OMG LOL damn good sia he... hehe he was shakin his bon bons like a pro! w00tz *clap clap*den it was lunch time! (: haha and juz like tiffy and ji hyun said, we had to cut rice and meat! LOL oh well its cos some of time can eat big pieces of meat cos they'll choke mah... aiyo... anw babu was eatin really fast and he even choked! yikes, so i had to pat his back and get him to drink water... haha and den after a while he say dun wan me to pat he ok... haha den he finished liao den i clear up for him (: den when i came back, he say i very wet, shld go and change... den it took me awhile to understand wad he meant in his language for awhile... haha but can tell he likes me alot and is alr caring abt me... haha nice guy sia... really made my day at sundac!haha den so we continued to play wif babu lor... haha den he was like damn cute lar den we kept disturbing each other and all hehe... lol damn funny like he poke his fren den i poke him... den we imitate each other haha LOL but after dat he could tell we had to leave soon... den he juz kept saying bye bye even before the thought of leaving crossed our minds den we realised its alr 12 plus... geeee... den he also wipe my sweat and say i sweat alot and its hot... haha (:anw sundac was really a unforgettable experience for me... haha amazing... and after dat we were like askin if we could come back and help out during the next holidaes or something haha =DVS 4D GATHERIN PARTYlol cos of the service learnin at sundac, i came late for the party, and by den the makan in class was already over and everyone in the class was slackin and playing cards and joel, of all pple JOEL THE MUGGER is playing midtown madness LOL one of those priceless moments u dont see everyday... hahahaaso yeah den i went down to join the rest of the peeps at soccer! haha really long time nair play soccer wif the 4D peeps liao... haha den i was like mid fielder for the first half den after dat as more players joint in i became keeper again... lol and juz slacked there and play play arnd hahaha and wads most best! i scored the golden goal, wif a nonchalant header into my own goal to end the game... -__- LOL for funs sake to end things off dat is hahahahahaa den we had penalty shoot out wif our next best keeper terence! hahaha xP den he made many nice saves and no one had scored against him yet... den addi and quek tried and scored a few... haha den i took off my shoes cos its was all wet liao(cos it was raining) and tried again... wow this time i scored a hat trick! LOL haha cos without my shoes i had more control and could whack the ball straight (: haha and den they started callin me the lion again... haha old memories nostalgic man...so after soccer we all went to parkway to play pool and really had a fun load of a time haha den we decided to go makan at pasta mania and talked alot of cock and all haha....
spoke at : 2:39 PM